
12 August 2024

Dr Bjorn Sturmberg named ACT Scientist of the Year

ACT Government Press Release: Clean energy technology scientist Dr Bjorn Sturmberg has been awarded the 2024 ACT Emerging Scientist of the Year Award. His important work explores how electric vehicles and batteries can integrate with the power grid.

5 August 2024

Are we overestimating green hydrogen production?

ANU Policy Brief: ‘Green’ hydrogen – produced from renewable energy sources – is currently much more expensive than hydrogen produced from fossil fuels but it is receiving major research interest and investment. New ANU research reveals that the models commonly used to estimate green hydrogen production are neglecting an important variable, potentially leading to a significant overestimation in hydrogen production and, thereby, financial viability.  

17 July 2024

Evaluating the impact of neighbourhood batteries: new reports

Neighbourhood batteries (NBs) have the potential to offer many benefits such as allowing more rooftop solar, supporting electrification and sharing the benefits of energy storage with consumers. Two new reports by the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program provide guidance as to what conditions are necessary in order to unlock the benefits of NBs.

11 July 2024

Watt equity? Australians deserve a Basic Energy Right

Thought leadership article by Dr Bjorn Sturmberg. This article argues that the energy transition is not on track to improve equity and makes the case for energy should be a right for all Australians with all households receiving a modest amount of energy free of charge to meet their essential needs. 

9 July 2024

Electric vehicles fed power into Australian grid during blackout

During a major storm event that eventually cut power to tens of thousands of homes, a fleet of electric vehicles (EVs) were able to feed power back into Australia’s electricity grid, according to a new report

14 June 2024

Recentering the energy transition on people

Profile piece on the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program’s newest social scientist, Dr Rex Martin, and his research interests.

4 June 2024

Electric vehicle charger re-opens

The electric vehicle charger located in the Geology Close carpark, in front of the Ian Ross Building, is open for use once again. The charger, the first to be installed on the ANU campus, was installed in 2021 for research purposes as part of the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program’s Distributed Energy Resources Laboratory (DERlab). 

31 May 2024

Exploring microgrids in the Australian context

This article focuses on two recently published SURF reports; a technical report that lays out a number of scenarios using real-world data applied to selected sites, and a social science report examining governance, social and regulatory issues under the current system.

3 May 2024

Flexible demand software to give power back to customers

BSGIP is working with Birdwood Energy to build a software tool which will help commercial and industrial businesses realise their flexible demand potential. 

4 December 2023

ANU experts to power path to all-electric ACT

A map to guide the Australian Capital Territory (ACT)’s transition to an all-electric economy will be developed by experts at The Australian National University (ANU). 

4 December 2023

Energy experts meet to forge pathway for neighbourhood batteries

Leaders in the field of renewable energy travelled from across Australia to the Australian National University (ANU) to share the latest developments in neighbourhood battery research and progress updates on government-funded trials at the second ANU Future of Neighbourhood Batteries Conference.

2 November 2023

Research exchange enhances battery technology development in Samoa

BSGIP hosted two research scientists from Samoa recently to help build capacity and strengthen the island nation’s ability to meet climate and energy challenges. The researchers spent valuable time in BSGIP’s state-of-the-art Battery Materials and Energy Storage Laboratory (Battery Lab) with Associate Professor Alexey Glushenkov.

2 November 2023

Maximising insights from neighbourhood battery projects

A team of researchers from the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program has been working to develop a framework for neighbourhood batteries which will help government organisations in the evaluation of government-funded neighbourhood battery projects and programs.

21 September 2023

Net zero by 2050? Too late. Australia must aim for 2035

This year’s heightened drumbeat of extreme weather shows us how little time we actually have to slash emissions writes Mark Howden, Frank Jotzo, Ken Baldwin, Kylie Catchpole, Kylie Walker and Lachlan Blackhall.

18 September 2023

BSGIP provides submission to ACT Government’s Integrated Energy Plan

BSGIP is part of the ACT Government’s efforts identifying and tackling the energy transition, deploying our socio-techno-economic analysis and modelling capabilities in support of planning and efforts towards reaching net zero emissions through economy-wide decarbonisation.

12 September 2023

Distrust of the energy industry could slow the rollout of all-electric households

Switched On podcast & accompanying news article featuring Dr Hedda Ransan-Cooper, one of Australia’s leading energy social scientists, discusses what she has learnt from her countless interviews with Australians discussing the energy transition and new energy technologies.  

12 September 2023

5 Rs of reducing carbon emissions from university air travel

Linked In blog post, 8 September, 2023

When it comes to reducing carbon emissions from university air travel, the 5 Rs can help us – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle, writes Associate Professor Kim Blackmore.

28 August 2023

Well this is awkward: confronting carbon emissions in academic air travel

Blog post by Associate Professor Kim Blackmore. Kim is working on the Australian National University’s Below Zero initiative, which aims to transition the University from being a source of greenhouse gas emissions to a carbon sink.

22 August 2023

Are all-renewable microgrids the future for regional Australia facing climate disasters?

As Australia prepares for more extreme weather events, what role might microgrids play in building resilience in our energy system? Featuring expert commentary by Dr Hedda Ransan-Cooper.

4 August 2023

Solar hours heating redefining regional battery storage requirements

A recent collaboration involving BSGIP and a regional Victorian town has had surprising and positive results in proving that moving electric hot water heating from nighttime to during solar hours has the potential to massively reduce required battery storage.

6 July 2023

Buying time for the Great Barrier Reef

Imagine shading the waters of the Great Barrier Reef by enhancing the cloud cover about it? Sounds like science fiction right? BSGIP student Dan Virah-Sawmy is part of a world first implementation project aiming to demonstrate just that.

28 June 2023

BSGIP marks 5th anniversary with Impact Report

The Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program celebrated a milestone anniversary in 2023 with the Program officially operational for five years. To mark the occasion, BSGIP has released a 5 Year Impact Report detailing the Program’s significant achievements.

17 May 2023

Community batteries are popular – but we have to make sure they actually help share power

In this opinion piece a team of experts from the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program bring the discussion back to the fundamental ‘why’. Why use this form of mid-scale storage?

15 May 2023

‘From brains to batteries’ – Associate Professor Marnie Shaw

Profile piece on BSGIP Research Leader, Marnie Shaw.

14 March 2023

World-first flexible export limits are coming to rooftop solar. Here’s how they work

Featuring expert commentary on flexible export limits, also known as dynamic operating envelopes by BSGIP’s Andrew Fraser. 

24 February 2023

Australian renewable energy struggles to hit grid with one solar farm wasting half its yearly output

Report on curtailment in the grid. Featuring expert commentary by BSGIP’s Jack Sorensen.

20 February 2023

Explainer: What is congestion and curtailment in the National Electricity Market (NEM)? 

This explainer seeks to answer some common questions around congestion and curtailment.

20 February 2023

Curtailment due to congestion: what’s the state of play?

Report on the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program’s submission to the Energy Security Board’s Transmission Access Reform Directions paper.

14 February 2023

Electric buses put to the test under Australian conditions

Researchers from the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program have developed a new tool, using data collected from Australia’s largest electric bus pilot project. This new tool can assist other bus fleets looking to make the switch to electric.

13 February 2023

The future of neighbourhood batteries is now

Report on the Future of Neighbourhood Batteries in Australia conference held at ANU in November 2022.

10 February 2023

Inter-laboratory visit paves the way towards greater Indonesia-Australia collaboration in battery development

Report on a visit by a team of Indonesian engineers to Australian battery laboratories, including BSGIP’s Battery Materials and Energy Storage Laboratory.

19 January 2023

Why community batteries could be the next step in the solar power revolution

This year the federal government will begin rolling out 400 community, or neighbourhood, batteries. With expert commentary by Prof Lachlan Blackhall.

18 January 2023

Curtailment due to congestion: what’s the state of play?

The Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program submitted an analysis looking at congestion in the National Electricity Market (NEM) to the Energy Security Board as a response to their Transmission Access Reform Directions paper. 

16 January 2023

New research supports rapid decarbonisation of Australia’s energy system

Research by the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program shines a light on the complex world of the National Electricity Market (NEM) and shows how dynamic carbon costs could play a critical role in improving the trade-off between emissions and costs.

9 December 2022



As the world searches for safe, low-cost big batteries, an old Australian invention is getting new attention

Report on vanadium flow batteries, a 40 year-old Australian invention that is receiving renewed focus as our energy grids transition, with expert commentary by A/Prof Alexey Glushenkov.

7 November 2022

Children’s book helps power clean energy transition

Renewable energy researcher at The Australian National University (ANU) and 2022 Tall Poppy recipient Dr Bjorn Sturmberg can now add published author to his resume with the launch of his new book, Amy’s Balancing Act, a children’s fable about the transition to clean energy. 

13 October 2022

BSGIP researcher recognised for leadership in clean energy

Dr Marnie Shaw, Research Fellow with the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program (BSGIP), has been recognised for her leadership in clean energy, receiving a Chloe Munro Scholarship for Transformational Leadership from the Clean Energy Council. 

13 October 2022

Accolades for BSGIP at national engineering awards ceremony

The Program was recognised at the prestigious Engineers Australia national awards ceremony in Sydney last week receiving two honours, an individual award and a project finalist award.

10 October 2022

Young ANU scientist receives Tall Poppy honour

Dr Bjorn Sturmberg, Research Leader with the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program, has been honoured for excellence in research, and for the communication of that research beyond academia.

29 September 2022

‘DEIP Dive’ 2022 explores a distributed energy future

ARENA, Energy Networks Australia and the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program welcomed to the Australian National University close to 150 guests from industry, academia & government last month to discuss the integration of electric vehicles and other distributed energy resources. Summary Report.

13 September 2022

Battery group student honoured with Global Undergraduate Award

Oliver Hervir was recognised by the Global Undergraduate Awards, an international student competition in Dublin, Ireland, for his research into dual-carbon batteries.

2 September 2022

Good news – there’s a clean energy gold rush under way. We’ll need it to tackle energy price turbulence and coal’s exodus

Writing for The Conversation Bjorn Sturmberg explains why there is cause for optimism when it comes to the energy transition.

31  August 2022

One skill shortage more than any is holding back Australia in the race to net zero

And that skill is flexibility, writes Bjorn Sturmberg for Renew Economy.

19  August 2022

Evolve takes out Engineers Australia Canberra Excellence Project Award

The Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program along with partner Zepben won this year’s Engineers Australia Canberra Excellence Project Award. 

2  August 2022

Who will drive vehicle-to-grid?

Opinion piece published in Utility magazine, written by Bjorn Sturmberg, Kathryn Lucas-Healey and Laura Jones. 

15 July 2022

Australians are installing rooftop solar like never before. Who is burdened with taking care of it?

Our new research has found rooftop solar maintenance, as with other forms of housework, has the potential to become an equity issue. And the burden of this unrecognised work is set to worsen as the energy transition accelerates.

11 July 2022

Energy crisis – report snapshot shows the state of renewables in Australia

Lachlan Blackhall was one of five energy experts to provide a briefing on the state-of-play of renewables recently. The briefing launched a new short report from the Australian Academy of Technology & Engineering: Here and now – the state of low emissions technology in Australia.

8 July 2022

Electric vehicles pass the remote road test

Electric vehicles can handle the distances required to travel to essential services in remote and regional Australia, a new study from The Australian National University has shown.  

27 June 2022

BSGIP teams up with ANU Research School of Earth Sciences to explore high pressure synthesis of battery materials

Associate Professor Alexey Glushenkov and colleagues from the Research School of Earth Sciences received $180,000 from the ANU College of Science Research Strategic Programs funding for 2022 for a project looking at critical minerals at high pressures – novel compounds for storage batteries. 

24 June 2022

The clean energy revolution is more than just a techno-fix

The Black Summer bushfires devastated parts of the Eurobodalla region in New South Wales. Then earlier this year, the area was hit by floods. As climate change threatens to bring more severe and frequent extreme weather events, how can we help future-proof such communities? The Conversation article.

23 June 2022

Program extends research into agricultural industry with funding win

Lachlan Blackhall recently led a team that was awarded funding in the latest round of the Centre for Entrepreneurial Agri-Technology Strategic Investment Program for a project titled ‘Multi Energy System Modelling for the Agricultural Sector’.

16 June 2022

NSW South Coast communities selected for microgrid studies

A federally funded project examining the use of microgrids to bolster local energy resilience has selected eight sites across the Eurobodalla for further studies.

15 June 2022

Australia – Germany collaboration evaluates dual-ion batteries with phosphorus negative electrodes

BSGIP’s battery materials team from the ANU Research School of Chemistry joined forces with the Munster Electrochemical Energy Technology (MEET) Centre to assess a new variety of dual-ion battery that utilises negative electrode materials containing black phosphorus.

6 June 2022

Victoria’s first inner-urban community battery heralds in a new age in shared renewable energy storage

The launch of Melbourne’s first inner-urban community battery on Sunday 5 June is welcome news, and not just for the local Fitzroy North residents.

11 May 2022

Australia could rapidly shift to clean transport – if we had a strategy. So we put this plan together

The Conversation article on the launch of the Australian Clean Transport Strategy (FACTS).

11 May 2022

Australia needs to get motoring on clean transport strategy

ANU media release on the launch of the Framework for an Australian Clean Transport Strategy (FACTS).

9 May 2022

Optimism, climate change and start-ups

Talking Tech Policy podcast interview with Professor Lachlan Blackhall.

28 April 2022

Stockpiling solar power in suburban batteries

ARENA Rewired podcast interview with Dr Marnie Shaw.

20 April 2022

Powerline fires wreak havoc but a renewable microgrid alternative is rolling out

ABC online new article featuring commentary by Dr Elizabeth Ratnam.

5 April 2022

A community battery ‘like a corner store’: Is this the future of home energy storage

ABC online article featuring expert commentary by Drs Marnie Shaw and Hedda Ransan-Cooper.

22 March 2022

First electric vehicle chargers now on campus

The Acton campus is now home to the University’s first electric vehicle (EV) chargers.

8 February 2022

‘Cutting through the greenwash’: Australian energy retailers ranked on climate action

Guardian article featuring commentary by Dr Hedda Ransan-Cooper

24 January 2022

Excuse me, can I use your car to stabilise and power the grid?

Clean Technica article on the Realising Electric Vehicle-to-grid Services Interim Social Report.

24 January 2022

The unknown unknowns of vehicle-to-grid tech

Clean Technica article on the Realising Electric Vehicle-to-grid Services Interim Social Report.

15 January 2022

V2G driving grid changes

The uptake of EVs in the years ahead will add up to staggering battery capacity, mostly sitting idle on driveways. Featuring commentary by Laura Jones, Senior Analyst at BSGIP.

14 December 2021

Why it’s vital to put people at the heart of the energy transition

Thought leadership piece written by Dr Hedda Ransan-Cooper, social science research lead at BSGIP, for Renew Economy.

November 2021

Neighbourhood batteries in Australia

Written for an international audience, this article delves into the state-of-play of neighbourhood batteries in Australia.

19 November 2021

Australia’s R&D spend too low to fund future climate change technology breakthroughs: experts

Expert commentary on the lack of R&D funding in Australia by Prof Lachlan Blackhall and others.

5 November 2021

A spark for the future

Opinion article by Lachlan Blackhall, originally featured in the Daily Telegraph

21 October 2021

The rubber hits the road for Australia’s largest electric bus fleet project

A new pilot project set to drive down emissions in public transport and heavy transport has today been announced.

15 October 2021

Local network pricing and community storage a powerful combo

Ecogeneration article featuring Dr Bjorn Sturmberg.

30 September 2021

Many rooftop solar investors are feeling ripped off. Could battery subsidies solve the problem?

ABC online article featuring expert commentary by Professor Lachlan Blackhall.

30 August 2021

The power flow tech revolutionising solar

The Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE) TechNow podcast (20 mins) featuring Prof Lachlan Blackhall and Dr Elizabeth Ratnam.

10 August 2021

The grid: powering the future

ABC TV Catalyst program featuring Dr Bjorn Sturmberg.

10 August 2021

Energy stored in electric car batteries could power your home or stabilise the grid – and save you money

ABC online news story featuring Bjorn Sturmberg and Kat Lucas-Healey.

3 August 2021

FIRE! … the tiny triggers that can send lithium-ion batteries up in flames

Ecogeneration article with expert commentary by Associate Professor Alexey Glushenkov.

29 July 2021

You want to do what with my EV? Turning cars into batteries on wheels

The Fifth Estate article by Dr Kat Lucas-Healey

10 June 2021

Check your mirrors: 3 things rooftop solar can teach us about Australia’s electric car rollout

The Conversation article by Bjorn Sturmberg, Kat Lucas-Healey, Laura Jones and Mejbaul Haque. 

1 June 2021

Powering ahead with community batteries

ANU press release into BSGIP community battery research led by Dr Marnie Shaw & Dr Hedda Ransan-Cooper.

28 May 2021

BSGIP announces partnership in Melbourne ‘Solar Sponge’ community battery trial

BSGIP research into community-scale batteries is set to be applied in the Melbourne CBD.

26 May 2021

Explainer: When can I charge my house from my EV? | One Step Off The Grid

Dr Kat Lucas Healey explains the Realising Electric Vehicle-to-grid Services (REVS) project.

29 April 2021

Nissan vehicle-to-grid technology

Video featuring the Realising Electric Vehicle-to-grid Services (REVS) project.

8 April 2021

What’s the role of community batteries in the climate emergency?

Yarra City Council webinar recording featuring Dr Marnie Shaw

5 April 2021

30 March 2021

Should solar owners pay to supply the grid, or are there other options?

Dr Marnie Shaw provides expert commentary to the ABC.

19 March 2021

Solar eclipse, and can EVs really provide storage on wheels

Energy Insiders podcast featuring Laura Jones, (starts at approx 11.30 mins into the podcast).

13 March 2021

Making EVs a grid asset – an Australian case study

Webinar featuring REVS researchers Laura Jones and Kathryn Lucas-Healey.

February 2021

International review of vehicle-to-grid technology

Interview with Dr Bjorn Sturmberg on new report: ‘The A to Z of V2G’.

24 February 2021

Empowering DER through dynamic operating envelopes

Professor Lachlan Blackhall writes for Utility Magazine

18 February 2021

Take a virtual tour of the Battery Lab

Video of the Battery Materials and Energy Storage Laboratory 

25 January 2021

How big batteries are a boon for regional Australia

Canberra Times article written by Dr Bjorn Sturmberg

18 January 2021

The trouble with big targets…it’s exports versus the NEM

Ecogeneration article featuring Dr Bjorn Sturmberg

13 January 2021

Largest battery in Australia to be built at ageing NSW coal-fired powerplant

ABC online news article featuring expert commentary by Dr Marnie Shaw

14 December 2020

“Everyone’s a winner”: PICA Group secures Australian-first strata solar electricity deal

The Fifth Estate article featuring expert commentary by Dr Bjorn Sturmberg

26 November 2020

Funding boost for Battery Lab

ARC grant announcement

24 November 2020

20 November 2020

2 October 2020

28 September 2020

15 September 2020

3 August 2020

Making solar + batteries work for all

PV Magazine interview with Dr Lachlan Blackhall

5 June 2020

19 May 2020

15 May 2020

Citizens required to power community batteries

By Marion Rae, Australian Energy Daily

11 May 2020

Storage comes to calm the market

Ecogeneration article featuring expert commentary by Dr Björn Sturmberg

11 February 2020

Microgrids: how to keep the power on when disaster hits

By Dr Björn Sturmberg, The Conversation

3 February 2020

Our future: a new electricity grid for a new climate era

By Dr Björn Sturmberg, The Canberra Times

15 January 2020

Australia must declare World War Zero on carbon emissions

By Dr Björn Sturmberg, The Canberra Times