Research conducted by the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program aims to inform public policy. Researchers within the program engage with energy market bodies and policy makers at international, national and state and territory levels.
Distributed Energy Integration Program (DEIP)
The Distributed Energy Integration Program (DEIP) is a collaboration of government agencies, market authorities, industry and consumer associations working together to maximise the value of customers’ distributed energy resources (DER) for all energy users.
Interoperability Steering Committee
Interoperability is the ability for different information technology systems, devices and software applications to enable two-way communication, use, and exchange of data accurately, effectively, and consistently. The DEIP Interoperability Steering Committee (ISC) supports the development and implementation of industry technical standards with a focus on interoperability capabilities to better enable the integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) into the Australian energy system.
In August 2021 an implementation guide enabling technology systems, devices and software to “talk to each other” was officially released. The Common Smart Inverter Profile – Australia implementation guide for IEEE2030.5 (otherwise known as CSIP-AUS) is a set of guidelines for the management of DER in the electricity system. These guidelines enable interoperability, that is the ability of different informational technology systems, devices and software applications to engage in two-way communication. CSIP-AUS also includes a common understanding regarding what information will be shared, the format for the information and how it is to be used among network and system operators.
The CSIP-AUS publication marks the culmination of over two years of collaboration and work between industry, R&D organisations and market and regulatory bodies including the Australian Energy Market Operator, ARENA, the Australian Energy Market Commission, the Australian Energy Regulator and the Australian National University, facilitated through DEIP.
BSGIP team members involved in the ISC include Lachlan Blackhall, Chair, DEIP Interoperability Steering Committee (ISC), Tim Moore, Chair, DER Integration API (Application Programming Interface) Technical Working Group and subject matter expert for the DEIP ISC and Deborah Taylor, Secretariat role for both the DEIP ISC and the DER Integration API Technical Working Group.
The ISC has produced several guides and reports to assist industry in supporting integration and interoperability of DER:
Flexible Imports Working Group
In 2023 BSGIP’s Phillipa Watson and Laura Jones are leading a DEIP working group on Flexible Imports. The Working Group aims to develop a shared understanding of the concept of flexible imports. Whilst a concept still under exploration and development, it is an umbrella term that encompasses flexible management and control solutions for electricity demand.
Flexible import solutions/processes are anticipated to mainly be applied to technologies that are proposed to be “flexible” or shiftable in time, such as electric vehicle charging but the concept could conceivably be applied more broadly. There is care being taken in relation to defining and then applying flexible import controls of electricity demand because flexible import controls could lead to distributional justice issues for energy consumers. This is because of the potential impact on customer energy practices and use, and the potential for flexible imports to interact with essential energy consumption for essential needs (for example maintaining healthy temperatures inside houses).
Laura and Phillipa will be collaborating with ARENA, Working Group members and further stakeholders to better understand how dynamic operating envelope-based flexible imports could apply to different consumers and specific use-cases (for example commercial-industrial, and electric vehicles (EVs) scenarios); and their likely social, economic, technical and regulatory effects.
This Working Group builds on the completed DEIP working group that defined parameters for Dynamic Operating Envelopes (DOE) and Flexible Exports. Flexible exports management covers exports from renewable energy generators (mainly solar) at business and domestic premises. BSGIP was a member of this DOE and exports working group. BSGIP has also run two major project to develop DOE solutions (the evolve project), and an evolution of these, called Shaped Operating Envelope (SOE) solutions (through the Converge project, which is ongoing).
Policy Submissions
The below submissions have been written by researchers working within the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program on behalf of the Program or as part of a broader cohort of researchers:
Response to the Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Consultation Roadmap (July 2024). Combined ANU Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program and Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions submission.
Response to the Australian Energy Market Commission Reliability Panel’s Direction Paper – Review of the form of the reliability standard and administered price cap (January 2024). This submission was a collaboration between the ANU Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program, Ener-G Management Group, and Planz Town Planning.
Submission to the Inquiry into Residential Electrification, Senate Economics Committee (September 2023)
Response to Australian Energy Market Commission Flexible Trading Rule Change Directions Paper (September 2023)
Response to ACT Government Integrated Energy Plan Consultation (September 2023)
Response to consultation on National Battery Strategy (March 2023)
Response to NSW Government Issues Paper: Going circular in clean energy (March 2023)
Response to the Australian Energy Market Commission consultation: Unlocking CER benefits through flexible trading (February 2023)
Response to the Energy Security Board: Transmission Access Reform Directions paper (December 2022)
Response to National Electric Vehicle Strategy. Combined ANU Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program and Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions submission (October 2022)
Response to the Energy Security Board: Electric Vehicle Smart Charging Issues Paper (August 2022)
Response to the Energy Security Board: Post 2025 Market Design Consultation Paper (October 2020)
The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources – Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper (June 2020):
Submission to the Energy Security Board: Moving to a Two-Sided Market Consultation Paper (May 2020)
Submission to the Retail Energy Competition Review: Electric Vehicles Issues Paper (Mar 2020)
Submission to the Energy Security Board: Post 2025 Market Design Issues Paper (Sep 2019)
Submission to Australian Energy Market Commission Regulatory Sandbox Consultation (Jan 2019)