ANU Below Zero - Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program
ANU Below Zero poster

Duration: Ongoing, commenced 2021

Contact: Alix Ziebell, Engagement and Impact Lead, Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program, ANU.

Partners: The Australian National University

Find out more:

Transformational change is required to limit climate change to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions to zero as soon as possible is essential.

The ANU Below Zero Initiative aims to transition the ANU from being a source of greenhouse gas emissions to a carbon sink, and to position the ANU as a leader in addressing climate change. ANU aims to achieve below zero emissions by 2030 for energy, waste, work travel and direct on-campus greenhouse gas emissions, and to encourage others to take action.

BSGIP has supported the decarbonisation objectives of the ANU Below Zero Initiative by leveraging the approaches and capabilities developed through our research and projects, including in grid integration, modelling, and socio-techno-economic systems theory. Using a detailed understanding of the sources of emissions at ANU and our expert understanding of emerging technology solutions, we are developing a unique decarbonisation approach that can be scaled and replicated by others.

BSGIP’s work to support the ANU Below Zero Initiative pathway has included:

  • Developing and deploying innovative multi-energy system modelling and optimisation capabilities to underpin decarbonisation decision-making
  • Capturing and analysing innovative decarbonisation options and market models, including development of a framework to support cost-benefit analysis of these options against the aims of the Below Zero Initiative
  • Delivery of a comprehensive socio-techno-economic analysis of options to rapidly decarbonise at ANU and self-generate renewable energy
  • Supporting the development of potential decarbonisation pathways for all ANU campuses, including projects to underpin this transition through grid integration
  • Identification and analysis of options for commercial solutions and innovative funding models for the ANU decarbonisation transition.

BSGIP is proud to collaborate on this ‘ANU-powered’ project, leveraging the expertise of Australia’s leading climate, energy, social and economics researchers to demonstrate how a university can drive and deliver the societal transformation required to address climate change.

Further information:

  • If you’d like further information or to get involved in the project as a partner, student, intern or otherwise, please feel welcome to contact Alix Ziebell, BSGIP Engagement and Impact Lead.