Electric vehicle charger re-opens - Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program
Image caption: Associate Professor Kim Blackmore, BSGIP, charging her electric vehicle in the Geology Close carpark, ANU.
4 June 2024
The electric vehicle charger located in the Geology Close carpark, in front of the Ian Ross Building, is open for use once again. The charger was unavailable for a period of time due to maintenance work taking place in the vicinity.
The charger, the first to be installed on the ANU campus, was installed in 2021 for research purposes as part of the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program’s Distributed Energy Resources Laboratory (DERlab). The School of Engineering generously allowed this resource to be made available to the ANU community free of charge.
One Type 2 EV charger and one bi-directional EV charger are located in the Geology Close carpark. The Type Two EV charger is available for public use only. Three EV parking spaces are located directly in front of the chargers in the Geology Close carpark. Details on use are located next to the conventional charger (the charger available to the public). This charger has two Type 2 sockets available for public charging.
Please note users will need to bring their own charging cable and comply with parking signs (three-hour limit for EVs). Type 2 chargers are compatible with most EVs on the Australian market. You can park there for 3 hours if you are charging a vehicle
Last week, six new DC fast electric vehicle chargers located near the School of Art & Design were launched. Payment is required to use the fast chargers, via the ChargeFox app with credit card facilities coming online in the coming months. Find out more here.