Integrating Distributed Energy Resources in remote Western Australia: a case study - Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program
David Edwards

Date: Tuesday, 18 October, 2022 

Time: 2 – 3pm AEDT

Forum: BSGIP online seminar

Speaker: David Edwards, Future Technology and Innovation Manager at Horizon Power 

Location: Zoom

Contact: Sarah Wilson, Communications Manager, BSGIP, mob: 0478 563 281

Watch the recording here.


The uptake of renewable energy and especially photovoltaic (PV) systems are of interest to utilities of remote and rural areas where the use of conventional power generation is costly and polluting. Over the past decade, Horizon Power (the local utility supplying remote and regional towns of Western Australia) has experienced substantial growth in the installation of PV systems by its customers, particularly in the remote town of Carnarvon. The increasing number of distributed energy resources (DERs) connected to the grid has created several challenges to the utility. Considerations of the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of PV generation, along with the customers’ interest in renewable energies, have been the drivers for a project aimed at increasing the penetration of PV systems, and to resolve the associated technical and operational issues. The project involves several practical trials, experiments and a number of system studies into the Carnarvon remote network to assess the system’s capability to increase penetration of DERs. The presentation will provide insight into the project’s findings and the investigated technical solutions to overcome the barriers to electricity consumers installing distributed energy resources and connecting them to the network.


  • 5 min welcome and introduction
  • 30 min presentation 
  • 15 min facilitated Q&A by Laura Jones, Senior Analyst, Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program 

About the speaker

David is the Future Technology and Innovation Manager at Horizon Power, working in the Future Energy Systems team – developing energy transition pathways for Horizon’s 38 networks.

David managed the ARENA-funded Carnarvon DER Trials, a collaborative research project with Murdoch University. Focussing data analytics on improving DER hosting capacity and managing VPP technology in microgrids, the trials have produced significant leanings in DER management, which Horizon shares internationally.

Over the last ten years, David has focused on developing and executing complex projects that pioneer low-carbon innovation. He has adopted a ‘problem-led’ leadership approach to innovation and transformational change where he focuses on the problem(s) at hand, and, seeking a solution, he creates an opportunity for learning and development. He leads by delivering sustainable solutions to Horizon Power and is most comfortable at the intersection of technology and customers.