This talk describes RouteZero, a web application tool for assessing electric bus feasibility, and some key knowledge sharing insights that came out of its creation.
The goal for RouteZero was to be a broadly accessible tool that provides insights into the feasibility of electrifying bus routes around Australia. It is a web application tool developed by the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program at the Australian National University (ANU). The tool’s development was funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) as part of the Next Generation Electric Bus Depot project (ARENA, 2021) led by Zenobe and Transgrid. This project is the first large-scale deployment of electric buses in Australia, with 40 electric buses rolled out into the Transit Systems fleet. These buses operate out of the Leichhardt depot in Sydney, NSW.
The types of questions that RouteZero aims to answer can be broken into two broad categories: energy requirements of routes and depot charging infrastructure. To answer these questions RouteZero required the development of two models. The first is a data-driven model aimed at answering questions about the energy requirements of routes. This model is based on performance data of the electric buses operating out of Leichhardt. The second is a depot charging optimisation model that answers questions related to the required depot charging infrastructure. These two models are linked as the output from the first model informs the inputs to the second.
5 min welcome and introduction
30 min presentation
15 min facilitated Q&A by Bjorn Sturmberg, Senior Research Fellow, Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program, ANU
About the speaker
Johannes Hendriks is a data scientist working in the renewable energy space. He completed a PhD in mechatronic engineering applying machine learning to a range of practical problems. After completing his PhD he worked as a researcher at the University of Newcastle before spending a year as a researcher at ANU. During his time at ANU he delivered the technical and modelling component of the RouteZero knowledge sharing project.