Optimal capacity design and operation of energy hub systems - Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program
Ian Hiskins

Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2020

Time: 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm

Forum: BSGIP Webinar

Speaker(s): Ian Hiskens, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

Location: zoom link

Contact: Deborah Taylor

RSVP: No RSVP Needed

The seminar will present an integrated view of optimized capacity design and operation, of islanded energy hubs. We consider energy hubs that incorporate emerging distributed energy resources as well as energy storage devices, and fully support the electricity and heat demand of an islanded installation. To explicitly account for the stochasticity in renewable generation and load, the energy hub capacity design problem is first expressed as a chance-constrained optimization problem, and then reformulated as a robust counterpart problem. Battery charging/discharging responds to stochastic renewable generation and load realizations through a control policy. The design result demonstrates a balanced trade-off, between robustness and cost efficiency. After the energy hub has been designed, we propose a bi-level operating strategy, where a day-ahead schedule is optimized at the upper level. Model predictive control is used for tracking the schedule in real-time at the lower level. Finally, we discuss the potential for increasing the reliability of energy hub systems, while decreasing operational cost by sharing energy between multiple energy hubs through networking.


  • 12:00 noon – Introduction
  • 12:05 pm – Presentation by Ian Hiskens, Vennema Professor of Engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 
  • 12:45 pm –  Audience Q&A
  •   1:00 pm –  Close

About the speaker

Ian A. Hiskens is the Vennema Professor of Engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He has held prior appointments in the Queensland electricity supply industry, and various universities in Australia and the United States. His research interests lie at the intersection of power system analysis and systems theory, with recent activity focused largely on integration of renewable generation and controllable loads. Dr. Hiskens is involved in numerous IEEE activities in the Power and Energy Society, Control Systems Society, Circuits and Systems Society, and Smart Grid Initiative, and has served as VP-Finance of the IEEE Systems Council. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of Engineers Australia. Dr. Hiskens is a Chartered Professional Engineer in Australia, and the 2020 recipient of the M.A. Sargent Medal from Engineers Australia.e