Jason Hoon will be presenting an overview of electricity wholesale trading in the National Electricity Market from physical to financial, and detailing some of the tools and considerations traders utilise to manage risk in their portfolios. The aim is to provide an interactive session with a Q&A to follow, for any questions that might arise.
10.00 am – Introduction by Lachlan Blackhall, Head, Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program, Australian National University.
10.05 am – Presentation by Jason Hoon, Energy Australia.
10.35 am – Audience Q&A.
11:00 am – Close.
About the speaker
Jason has over 15 years of energy market experience in Australia, encompassing both the East and West coast markets, and across commodities such as electricity, gas and renewables. Jason has worked for some of Australia’s largest energy organisations in commercial and operations roles, such as Energy Spot Trader, Carbon Trader and Team Leader of Market Operations. Jason is currently working for Energy Australia as an Energy Trader and holds a Bachelor of Finance & Economics from the Univeristy of Western Australia.