A large proportion of the function of batteries arises from the electrodes, and these are in turn mediated by the atomic-scale perturbations during an electrochemical process (e.g. battery use). A method to both understand battery function and improve their performance, is to probe the atomic scale evolution operando, i.e., while an electrochemical process is occurring inside a battery. The result is an atomic level “video” of device function which can be directly correlated to performance parameters such as energy density, lifetime (or degradation), rate capability and safety.
Overall, this talk will provide a flavour of the work being undertaken in my group, emphasizing the opportunities between atomic scale insight and application
2:00 pm – Introduction
2:05 pm – Presentation by Neeraj Sharma, Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow, School of Chemistry, UNSW
2:35 pm – Audience Q&A
2:50 pm – Close
About the speaker
Neeraj completed his PhD at the University of Sydney then moved to the Bragg Institute at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) for a post-doc. He started at the School of Chemistry, University of New South Wales (UNSW) on an Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) Research Fellowship followed by an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA). He is currently an Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow. Neeraj has been the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) Nyholm Youth Lecturer (2013/2014) and has won the NSW Premier’s Prize for Science and Engineering (Early Career Researcher in Physical Sciences, 2019), Australian Synchrotron Research Award (2018), RACI Rennie Memorial Medal for Chemical Science (2018), UNSW Postgraduate Supervisor Award (2017) and a NSW Young Tall Poppy Award (2014). Neeraj has over 140 publications and has been invited to present his work at over 30 conferences. Neeraj’s research interests are based on solid state chemistry, designing new materials and investigating their structure-property relationships.