Energy storage is being viewed increasingly as a resource that can contribute to power-system reliability and resource adequacy. However, most markets and system planners employ ad hoc approaches to ascribing capacity value to energy storage. This talk presents a dynamic-programming-based approach to conduct these assessments for energy storage. Illustrative case studies show how market-design choices impact the use and operation of energy storage and its reliability contribution.
5 min welcome and introduction
30 min presentation
15 min facilitated Q&A by Marnie Shaw, Research Leader, Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program
About the speaker
Ramteen is a professor in the Department of Integrated Systems Engineering and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and an associate fellow in the Center for Automotive Research at The Ohio State University. His research focuses on the techno-economics of decarbonizing energy systems. He works also in energy policy and electricity-market design, especially as they pertain to energy decarbonization. He is an IEEE Fellow and served three two-year terms on the Electricity Advisory Committee, a federal advisory committee to the U.S. energy secretary, and chaired its Energy Storage (Technologies) Subcommittee.